Looking for a 2019 Tax Break? Check out this Great Ministry Report!


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If anyone is looking for an end of the year tax break, helping our ministry is one way to do it!

Just write a check out to:

Crossroads Community Church

and mail it to us at:

Jesse Morrell
PO Box 1527
Lindale Tx 75771

Please remember us during the time of November and December as these are traditionally slow months for us financially as everyone is busy for the Holidays.



One of my converts in California flew me out to the Los Angeles area to preach with him again. This has become an annual or sometimes biannual trip. I often say in my videos, “All it takes to bring me out to your area is a planet ticket and a place to sleep and we can do some preaching together in your area.”

Pasadena City College

I was late getting to campus because I think my flights were delayed. As soon as I landed I caught an Uber from the airport to the campus so that I could team up with everyone who was already on campus. By the time I arrived the day was already winding down but it looks like they had a great time out there.


My friend worked on getting the “free speech permit” a few days before we arrived and had no problems securing it. But the second day we were permitted to speak we found this to be the condition of the “free speech area.” Coincidence, maybe. Maybe not.

We’ve preached on this campus in the years past and it’s possible the administration doesn’t like it. It’s possible they didn’t like how the first day went so they sent out the landscaping crew to do some work on the bushes the second day.

This would not be the first time that the admin have sent out the landscaping crew to hinder us. That has happened in Philly, where landscapers with blowers followed us everywhere we went on campus. And that recently happened at the University of Alaska in Fairbanks, where a landscaper kept mowing the same patch of grass next to us over and over again.

Preaching the Gospel on these liberal campuses has really become a battle!


Since the first free speech area was an unusable disaster, I knew of another area on campus that might work.

There is an amphitheater on the other side of the building from where we normally preach. It is a wide open space with some foot traffic, but not as much as the original spot.

After preaching in the center of the amphitheater on some hot button topics, we were able to secure a crowd for a couple hours.


My friend Sebastian joined us on this campus with his wife. He lives locally in the area. He liked to preach and his wife passes out gospel tracts.

After preaching for a couple hours in the amphitheater we eventually lost our crowd, likely to the heat. It was a particularly hot day. So we moved back to the original courtyard area and preached in the shade. Students were happy to sit around and listen and engage us with questions.


We spent a few days preaching on this campus. We were able to gather a crowd every day and even had a “core group” of regular hecklers who came out every day. That lead me to believe we could try a third free speech area that I’ve seen in the past but never tried. It was a beautiful amphitheater but it was off the beaten path. It was surrounded on all sides which makes it hard for anyone to see you and the surrounding areas don’t get too much foot traffic. But since we spent a few days on campus already, I knew our hecklers would come looking for us because they knew we would be back. We started preaching in this spot and sure enough, the people came!

My friend Zachary also took time off work and flew himself in from Kentucky to join me for the week! He is a young, zealous, fiery, up and coming open air preacher. He’s been faithful in the open-air for a few years now. He handle’s the crowds very well, addressing their questions and points. His demeanor is always very excellent.




“Bingo Cards” for open-air preachers became a popular thing a few years ago. Usually the campus Atheist club will pass out things like this when campus preachers show up. It actually does help the students pay more attention to what we are saying. That’s because they want to be the first to say BINGO! They will even say things like, “Hey, talk about atheism for a minute” in the hopes of getting BINGO.



An atheist just told me during this trip, “If I don’t believe in God, I can do whatever I want to do.” And that’s what it all comes down to. Sinner’s don’t want God telling them what to do. They want to do their own thing, their own way, walking by their own wisdom. The problem is that man is not qualified to govern his own life. God is more loving than us and smarter than us. Those who are truly wise will submit themselves to the wisdom of God.

Great outreaches and great fellowship! I love it!

Revival Church Services


My host arranged for us to speak on campus every day and then speak at a local church every night. I had never done “a week of revival services” before so I was excited about doing it. One reason I wanted Zachary to join me from Kentucky was so that we could tag team both the campuses and the church services, as that is a lot of preaching in a week for just one man!


Zachary preached on Sin and Hell. I preached on The Atonement and Repentance.

One night I said that many professing Christians live like life is a sin-buffet. A little bit of this. And a little bit of that. But they need a spiritual diet – cutting out all the sin!

I also talked about the atonement of Christ and said things like:

“The atonement alone saves no one without repentance.”

“God had wrath before the atonement for those who violated the law of Moses. And God has wrath after the atonement for those who trample the blood.”

“God will not turn from His wrath until sinners turn from their sins.”

“The atonement is not a license to sin. If sin is so bad that Jesus had to die for it, then sin is so bad that you should stop doing it!”

A lot of people came to the altar for a time of repentance afterwards!

Hollywood Blvd


Preaching on Hollywood Blvd is always a lot of fun.

I found President Trumps star and took a selfie with it.

It’s had to be replaced after vandals destroyed it at one point.

starpreach  starwalk

The best part about Hollywood Blvd is that it is an internationally recognized placed with tourists from all over the world.

You can literally reach the nations by street preaching there!

And praise God, we saw multiple street preaching groups out there when we were there!

Adult Store Outreach


One evening we went out and had a spontaneous outreach in front of an Adult Book Store.

This was not part of the plans but as we drove by it, the guys really wanted to do it.


We set up right in front of the front door on the city sidewalk with our banner. My friend spoke through the bullhorn. I was amazed at the types of people we saw going in there, especially the groups of women that were going in.



Sure enough the Police showed up. But their only request was that we not use the amplifier. The city ordinance allows for us, my friend said, but I told the Police we didn’t need to use it and could just put it away as a favor. We were close enough to the door that it wasn’t necessary and my voice is in good shape. The Police were easy to talk to and had no problem with us street preaching there without the amplifier.


One of our hecklers that evening was a “Black Hebrew Israelite” who called me “Edom” and “Esau” for being a white man. According to him, salvation and heaven is a matter of race and natural birth. He was flipping through his Bible and trying to pull out all sorts of verses. It’s amazing how blind some people could be. Pray for his soul. He was cussing and full of hatred and violence. He needs to be born again of the Spirit.



Meanwhile back home, the wife was busy with the kids making Holiday cookies!

I sure do miss the family when I am away on these trips!

They are always super excited when I come home!

ministry week in cali

All things considered, it was an AWESOME mission trip!

Thank you to our supporters that help make this ministry happen!




If you have never checked out our Christian Bookstore, you can do that here: https://biblicaltruthresources.wordpress.com/books/

It’s awesome to see these books circulate the world and be a blessing to the body of Christ!




Our Youtube Channel is jam packed with awesome outreach videos and powerful sermons.

Watch and be edified!



Ministry Testimonies



“I’ve been listening to you for a month now and I wanted to thank you. I’ve been reading my Bible every day now for a month.” ~ Carlos

Carlos also said he’s been with his “babies momma” for 14 years now but they’ve never been married. Now because of me he went out and got an engagement ring he said.

Someone told me:

” So appreciated your study on Acts 13:48. I wrote my masters thesis on a middle/passive, so I was very suspicious when I read the KJV translation of Acts 13:48. You handled it Biblically, contextually, theologically, and linguistically. GOOD JOB!!!”

Praise the Lord!

Here are more testimonies!

“It began nine years ago, for me, as I began to question Calvinism. Over the course of these years I slowly eliminated the tulips from my life. The final nail was your video on free will. Thank you so much.” Stephan

After the week of preaching in California I  got this email:

“I am an Evangelical Christian who is an employee at Pasadena city college. Almost all my colleagues know of my faith. This past week many of them came to me and asked about “the preacher” outside. They had numerous questions for me. Some of them seemed genuinely interested, saying it was “something about the guy”.

Very generous comment:

“This is absolutely the best message on holiness that I have ever heard. Jesse you are an awesome street preacher but you are dynamite in the pulpit!” ~ Gary

And after watching the same sermon, someone said they are now Forsaking Lukewarm Christianity:

“Hey Jesse, I’ve really been challenged to forsake some distractions in my life after watching your video, “What’s Wrong with the Modern Gospel & American Christianity.” God opened my eyes to my lukewarmness. I thank God for your ministry and love for the lost.” Eric

Praise God!  Watch this sermon here:


Pray for Marci. She just commented on my Youtube video:

“Guess what sir. I quit the pot!! Praise God! that was the last thing (almost) keeping me from Jesus. Now I’m working on the cigs. Thank you for convicting me of being lukewarm. I want to be how God wants me. GOD bless you in Jesus precious name.”


Please pray for all these people who are repenting and coming to Jesus!

And pray for all the new street preachers that are being raised up all over the world!




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Would you consider giving $25, $50, or $100 a month?

The Morrell Family is a missionary family to the United States, preaching the gospel in the open air to hundreds of thousands each year. We live by faith as God provides from the body of Christ through personal gifts. Will you consider being a monthly supporter or giving a one-time gift? Every little bit helps!

Please remember us during the time of November and December as these are traditionally slow months for us financially as everyone is busy for the Holidays.

Paypal: Click Here

Physical Mail:

Jesse & Krista Morrell

P.O. Box 1527

Lindale TX, 75771

(Make Checks out to “Jesse Morrell” to be personal gifts or out to “Crossroads Community Church” if you want a tax break). 

Special thanks in advance to our supporters. THE BATTLE IS ON! We couldn’t do it without you!


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