How to Stop Abortion – Save Souls | Kentucky Mission Trip


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I was invited to join some friends in Kentucky for a few days of outreaches. While traveling the Dallas airport I just so happened to run into my friend Mitch Metzger and his wife as they were heading back home to the Philippines where they are missionaries. Must have been a divine encounter. The Lord’s timing is good. Please keep them in your prayers as they do their mission work. Mitch has been faithful to the Philippines for over twenty years.



Our first preach was a parade in Jeffersontown. This parade was how they start off the festivities.

The Police saw us marching with our banners and bullhorns but didn’t interfere with us. This city has become somewhat accustomed to street preachers. The local brethren knew some of the Officers from past experiences.

The great thing about parade preaching is that everyone lines up on the streets and patiently waits for the parade to start. The streets are still open for people to walk until the parade starts. This gives us street preachers the opportunity of a lifetime! We can walk the parade route before the parade starts and preach the Gospel to everyone before the parade starts! It’s a rare opportunity to be able to preach to an entire city or small town. We walked up and down the parade route testifying that Jesus Christ is alive and calling sinners to repentance!

The festival itself is really just a beerfest. But the parade was a “family parade” with lots of children. We tailored our message accordingly, but the parents didn’t change their heckling. They had no problem cussing and swearing in front of the kids! It’s ironic when they say things like, “Take this $#@! somewhere else! There’s kids around you F$#@&%! idiot!” Sadly many of the children follow in their parents example and start mocking us and cussing us out.


The University of Louisville is a campus that I’ve preached before. It’s always been one of those campuses that didn’t have a very good spot to preach. The Union has a raised walkway that isn’t very good for drawing a crowd. In the past I’ve stood on the grass and preached as students gather up on the walk way. This time we did things a little differently.

Originally we began preaching down below on the sidewalk but couldn’t really get the crowd and environment we wanted. It was an awkward set up. But I thought, why not preach from that balcony platform up there? I’ve had success on other campuses with a similar set up. It’s conducive because we can get their attention and fully address the entire crowd. It’s good for crowd control too because it keeps the crowd back. Worked like a charm. Another brother and I took turns preaching for hours, which was nice.

The idea with open air preaching is a dialog with the crowd. I want the students to ask me questions. I find it difficult to preach for hours in a monolog. It has to be a dialog to get the attention of others. Since we were raised up and further away, anyone who asked a question or heckled had to be exceptionally loud to be heard. This only helped us get more attention from the rest of the campus. You want to “make a scene,” to stir things up. Loud hecklers are the best!

It’s amazing how the same students will gather around for hours and hours and listen, heckle, ask questions, etc. You can usually tell who is genuinely interested by reading their body language and how long they’ve been hanging around for. In every crowd you will have those who are calloused and those who are convicted. The seed falls on all types of soils when you just throw it out there, like Jesus taught in his parable. Eternity will show all the fruit working the fields have yielded.



We returned to the beerfest that was going on for a couple days. We already preached their parade but now we wanted to preach the festival. The team first set up right across from a very popular bar where everyone went to get their alcohol. But for some reason the Police really didn’t like us in that location. Anytime you set up near vendors, vendors will call the cops and complain. I always try to find an open area with foot traffic far enough from all the vendors to hopefully not get complaints. So we moved to another location that was fairly open and had heavy foot traffic.

One way you know that you are doing a good job is that demons start manifesting. People complain, the cops show up, angry hecklers, etc. These are all good signs that you are disturbing the devil and the evil spirits in the area! Usually we have one brother preaching and the other brethren holding signs, passing out tracts, praying and talking to people. Team work is the best work!

The children follow the example of the parents. Here you can see a small child who walked over to us to give us the finger. This only confirmed our reason to be there. This small town of only 28,000 people is full of lost souls. Don’t be fooled by the “family oriented” festival. These people were wicked and this event was full of foul mouth beer guzzling. It’s why the Great Commission is to go into all the world and preach the gospel. The Apostles preached both the large cities and the small villages. Everyone needs the Lord.

The Cops again tried to give us a hard time. This time they even threatened to arrest us for offending people. But we stood our ground and defended our rights and ultimately came out victorious and kept preaching the Gospel. Freedom of speech is a constitutional right given by God and it isn’t cancelled by someone complaining that they were offended.

Brother Zachary joined us on this trip as well. He is also a campus preacher. He started watching my Youtube videos back when he was in High School and has been serving the Lord for many years now.


Downtown Louisville literally had a sign that said “We’ve got a year’s worth of sinning to make up for” referring to the lockdown they just came out of! This is a wicked city. They know it and they are proud of it! It’s not surprising then that Louisville had the only abortion clinic in the entire state! That’s where we were going to preach!

This clinic has a bunch of of “escort volunteers” to walk women into the clinic and keep the preachers away. As the only clinic in Kentucky, they have street preachers and pro-life activities there every day. Clinic “escorts” are known all over the country to get aggressive and even violent with pro-lifers.

The sign above says “Safety Zone” which is a contradiction for a place that kills babies. “No Standing or Obstructions in this Zone.” This is to keep the preachers away from the front doors. They even painted arbitrary lines on the sidewalk. Most of the pro-lifers who stand in front of this clinic stay outside of those lines.

But we didn’t stay outside of the lines. As long as we stood behind the people walking in and not in front of them, they couldn’t claim that we were “obstructing.” Every time a woman walked into the clinic to have an abortion, I would follow behind her and ultimately preach right into the lobby where all the women were sitting. “Don’t murder your baby! Your baby has your DNA. Your baby has your face. Listen to your baby now saying ‘please don’t kill me mommy.’ Be a mother, not a murderer. God hates the hands that shed innocent blood.”

The one good thing about all the “volunteer escorts” is that they have to stand there the whole time and hear all of the preaching. You can tell from their tattoos, dyed hair, and obvious pro-choice support, they are lost soul liberals. They need to hear the Gospel just as much as the women walking in to murder their babies and we are happy to preach the Gospel to all of them.

The only real way to stop abortion is to save souls.

Pray for the salvation of their souls.







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