Mission Statement

Through the means of books, dvds, and tracts, Biblical Truth Resources is dedicated to educating and equipping believers in Jesus Christ with sound Christian doctrine and helpful evangelism tools.

11 Responses to Mission Statement

  1. Mark says:

    Hi Jesse,
    Thanks for going online with a much needed resource – sound Christian doctrine resources. We are being flooded with rivers of predestination/reformed works. Your site is a breath of fresh air.

    • Yes, Calvinists have really been dominating the Christian Press in our day. That is why I started reprinting these classic Christian books with such great theology in them. Otherwise, these books would continue to be unknown and out of print. I am so excited about getting them back into circulation! I have a list of many more books to reprint too.

  2. Alex says:

    Thanks for the good work you are doing brother. It’s about time we restore the apostolic faith of the early Church and purge all biblical exegesis from Manichaean/Augustinian/Calvanist false teachings and restore holiness, righteousness, and sound doctrine.

  3. Amanda says:

    I would ask of you and your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus. Please, pray for my husband who is a follower of John McArthur. It grieves my heart and spirit greatly for him. His name is Bill A. I pray daily that the Lord will set him free from this bondage. It would be wonderful if you could put.him on yoir church prayer list as well. Thank you for your time. Amanda A.

  4. Aurora Tena says:

    Hello Jesse. I’d like to know if you preach out of the KJV?

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