This is a Sign of a Healthy Church!

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I was honored to be invited to speak at Bob Enyart’s church. Bob has passed away but the church that he pastored remains. I had heard of Bob’s ministry 15 years ago or so and was happy to hear that his sons watched my Youtube videos and enjoyed them.

It has been many years since I have visited Colorado. Some twenty years ago I went on a ministry retreat to Pikes Peak in Colorado, where we hiked to the top. I was excited to see Colorado again. Not too long ago I read in the news about a Colorado man who was attacked by a mountain lion and killed it with his bare hands. My kind of people!



The Church was doing a pro-life outreach when I arrived and invited me to the streets with them. Hitting the streets is what every church ought to do! This is a sign of a healthy congregation!

Apparently there was an abortion Fundraiser Gala going on at the local Hilton and alot of wealthy people were attending to donate, plus the local politicians and big wigs.

We positioned ourselves on the city sidewalk around the entrance so that anyone going to this event would have to pass our signs and hear our message. Hearing and seeing the message became inevitable and unavoidable for those participating in this abortion fundraiser!


Quite a few people engaged us in dialog. Some were just asking what we were doing, others were hostile and trying to defend abortion and attack Christianity.

We heard the typical arguments like the baby “is just a clump of cells” to “It’s a parasite.” We refuted these notions but ultimately it’s a moral issue, not an intellectual one.

Deep down everyone knows the baby in the womb is a living human being. And those who have had abortions or those who have been apart of it lash out at us because of their guilty conscience.

There was one man who started yelling and screaming at me from across the street. He charged at me and got in my face, acting like he was going to hit me. I held my ground and he didn’t do anything. He backed down and left. But this shows that his conscience was pricked by the truth.

The more Christians speak the truth, boldly and without compromise, the more we will see sinners come to repentance as their conscience is pricked and they are convicted by the Holy Spirit.


I believe every preacher should be able to preach in the Church and outside the Church. We see both in the Bible.

At church I preached on The Emotions of God. Man was made in the image of God, so we are tiny finite replica’s of Him. We have intellect, free will, and emotion just like God has.

The Bible portrays God as joying over His people, being provoked to jealousy by their unfaithfulness, provoked to wrath by their sin, and rejoicing when they repent. In our walk with God, we have to be conscious of the fact that He is a real person with real emotions and the things that we think, say, and do can affect Him. We can hurt and grieve Him by our sin or we can bring joy and happiness to His heart by our faithfulness. As Paul said, “Grieve not the Spirit.”

Too many people think of God as a mere abstract idea or impersonal force. But He is a real person (three persons to be exact) and we can grieve Him or please Him. We need to live sensitive to His feelings with an aim of pleasing and blessing Him. Our relationship with God is very personal and intimate.

You can buy my book on “The Emotions of God: How Man Can Bless or Hurt God” here:



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The Morrell Family is a Missionary Family living by faith as God puts it on believers hearts to give.

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Venmo: @Jesse-Morrell-3

Cash App: “$JesseMorrell” 

Zelle: “203-444-1912”


Physical Mail: 

Jesse & Krista Morrell

P.O. Box 1527 

Lindale TX, 75771


Make Checks out to “Jesse Morrell” to be personal gifts or out to “Crossroads Community Church” if you want a tax break. 


Your support is bearing fruit and reaping rewards into eternity!

“Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7

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